InHER Circle OCT '23 Speaker Series 专家 Bios
Barbara Kirklauskas '60 InHER Circle Speaker Series
Cultivating Generosity: Building a Culture of Philanthropy & 服务
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 6:30 PM
Cuvilly Auditorium | Notre Dame Academy
Christienne K. Bik '94, J.D. 主持人
克里斯蒂于2011年加入Fallon Health,目前领导其政府关系部. In this role, 她专注于战略性公共政策和政府关系机会,以支持和促进Fallon Health的业务目标和使命. Prior to joining Fallon, 克里斯蒂在伍斯特县地方检察官办公室工作了8年,担任助理地方检察官. 克里斯蒂之前还担任过其他职务,包括国会议员詹姆斯. McGovern and legislative aide for State Representative Robert Spellane.
克里斯蒂毕业于美国大学,并在萨福克大学法学院获得法学博士学位. She is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association. In 2007, 克里斯蒂是马萨诸塞州地方检察官协会聚光灯奖的获得者, 2014年, she was honored with Worcester Business Journal’s 40 Under Forty award. 她在YWCA的董事会任职超过十年,目前是董事会主席.
她还担任新英格兰委员会和马萨诸塞州健康计划协会的董事会成员. 克里斯蒂和她的丈夫保罗·贝尔西托以及他们的女儿伊莎贝尔住在马萨诸塞州的什鲁斯伯里.
Elizabeth Condron '00, 专家
伊丽莎白·康德伦于2000年毕业于澳博app,随后在圣安瑟姆学院获得刑事司法学士学位. After graduation, 伊丽莎白开始在伍斯特县地方检察官办公室担任受害者证人辩护律师. 目前,伊丽莎白在松树街酒店工作,担任捐赠者参与的高级主管.
在Pine Street Inn工作的14年间,她曾担任企业关系方面的职位, volunteer management, emergency shelter operations and presently in fundraising. Elizabeth has received many community awards, and her most recent are the Saint Anselm College, Alumni Justice Award and Trial Court of Massachusetts, Diane Halprin Award for 服务.
Julie Lian McDonald '89, 专家
Born and raised in the Worcester area, 朱莉总是有一颗帮助社区其他人的心,并意识到那些不幸的人. As a volunteer in several local schools with 90% low income population, 朱莉目睹了许多孩子离开学校大楼后无法获得食物的情况, so she decided to channel her passion into a tangible solution. Julie founded the Juniper Outreach Foundation, 一个非营利组织,其使命是在当地最需要食物的学校建立食品储藏室.
Juniper Outreach目前在伍斯特市经营着6所学校的食品室, 哪些学校允许学生在晚上和周末直接买食物带回家. Beyond her role as the founder, she has worked to create partnerships with local businesses, government agencies, and other non-profit organizations, 培养合作精神,扩大其努力的影响.
Paula Robert Bushey ' 82, 专家
Upon graduating from NDA, Paula attended Stonehill College, graduating with a BS in Business Administration in 1986. 她曾在健康计划公司担任保险领域的承保人. and Allmerica Financial. While raising her children, Paula became a volunteer at her
church, Blessed Sacrament. 在此期间,她在许多教会领导的活动中发挥了积极的作用,如唱诗班的歌手, teacher of religious education, member of the Parish Council and eucharistic minister.
在圣礼上,她第一次参与了教会对芥菜种天主教工人的事工, a home and soup kitchen dedicated to helping the homeless and hungry, located on Piedmont Street in Worcester. At this time, 她正在准备圣餐,圣餐是为芥末籽准备的. Over time, her involvement grew, and she was asked to join the board. Subsequently, she took on the role of Treasurer which she continues today, in addition to her weekly volunteering. 芥菜籽改变了她的生活轨迹,使她成为一名天主教徒.
Paula也是马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗中心的志愿者,帮助像她自己和她的家人这样的人进行活体供体移植, by assisting them with the process of navigating a 搜索 for a kidney. She additionally maintains the rotary at Newton Square, (这是她过去7年来一直喜欢的一个项目),并喜欢与圣礼的一个小组一起工作, Trinity Lutheran, and the organization of Ascentria, 帮助一个刚从阿富汗来的家庭入学, receiving medical treatment, and adjusting to life in America.
Danielle Perron Sikonski ’04, 专家
After graduating from NDA, 丹妮尔就读于圣母升天学院,在那里她获得了人类服务学位. 之后,她开始在Why Me/Sherry 's House担任筹款和活动经理, 一个当地的非营利组织,为有癌症孩子的家庭提供支持服务.
丹妮尔现在仍然在“为什么我”,担任该组织的家庭服务主任. 在这个职位上,她的职责包括与孩子的诊断家庭会面, coordinating support services and hospital outreach, and facilitating various support groups for families.
多年来,丹妮尔一直担任许多NDA学生的“行动中的爱”导师. Additionally, 她多次回到校园,分享爱在行动和澳博app在她的职业生涯中所扮演的重要角色.
Danielle received an NDA Young Alumna Award in 2012. 伍斯特杂志因她在Why Me的工作而将她命名为家乡英雄,2016年,她获得了伍斯特扶轮社的超我服务奖. 丹妮尔和她的丈夫迈克尔有三个年幼的孩子威廉、克拉拉和露西.